$1000SATS /USDT Technical Analysis :

Current Price

- $0.0001477 (-14.23%)

24h Price Range

- High: $0.0001890

- Low: $0.0001448

24h Volume

- 1000SATS: 946.69B

- USDT: 153.57M

Moving Averages

- MA(7): 0.0001513

- MA(25): 0.0001614

- MA(99): 0.0001382

Depth Analysis

- Highest: 0.0001922

- Lowest: 0.0001200

1000SATS coin is currently trading at $0.0001477, experiencing a decrease of 14.23% in the last 24 hours. With a massive trading volume of 946.69B 1000SATS and price fluctuations between $0.0001448 and $0.0001890, 1000SATS requires close attention. Analyzing its moving averages and depth can provide insights into potential market trends.