DOGE entered the market with a short position near 0.1 yesterday. Despite all the corrections, as long as the position is controlled properly and no heavy positions are carried out, it will not be a problem. Currently, it is around 0.094, and it has already made more than 50% of the profits! Members who follow me all know that I never allow large positions to be operated on contracts. I arrange positions reasonably according to my own capital situation, with a maximum position of about 5%. Because there will be operations such as adding positions to average prices in the later period, so you are following the order. When trading, you must operate with a light position. After all, contracts have certain risks. Those who say their positions are liquidated or those who cannot bear the loss are either heavy positions, or they cannot bear to sell out. In short, contracts have risks, so you need to be cautious in operations! #Doge🦊