The market has broken through the previous low, and the main force may be forming a double bottom support confirmation! What will the next trend be? Let's explore it together.

The current market situation is complex and changeable, but there is a view that has attracted much attention: if the main force does form a double bottom support at this position, the market may show two potential trends.

One is sideways fluctuations, and the other is gradual upward fluctuations. However, according to my observation, sideways fluctuations are more likely.

This is because the main force is waiting for the landing of Ethereum ETF transactions in order to accumulate more assets at a low level. This also implies that the ETF is approaching the time of implementation.

According to the experience of the historical bull market, the second half of the entire bull market may continue until 2025, and the current fluctuations may be the preparation stage before the start of the second half of the bull market.

Therefore, I suggest that everyone remain patient and continue to hold positions to wait for further market trends.

Patience and confidence are essential for investors. In the face of market fluctuations, stay calm and formulate a reasonable investment strategy.

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