As July approaches, Tokyo has entered its most unbearable hot summer season. The temperature is over 35 degrees every day, making people lose the desire to go out...

The market conditions in the past two days have not been very good, and I have been doing nothing most of the time. Recently, many people have asked about the entry-level questions of traders. Here I have sorted out my replies and systematically gave some suggestions to those who want to get started in trading:

1. Trading is not an industry that can make people rich overnight. To succeed in trading, you need to accumulate knowledge and practical experience over many years. The time it takes to learn trading is usually measured in years. If you want to get started in trading, be prepared for a protracted battle. Don't think you can achieve financial freedom in just a few months.

2. For full-time traders, trading is not a happy job. Trading may make new traders feel excited and stimulated, but as people stay in the market for longer and longer, the passion will gradually fade away, and what remains is only mechanical persistence and operation. It is like a couple in a period of burnout who send each other good morning and good night as if they have completed a task every day. In the long run, full-time trading is actually a boring work mode.

3. You don’t necessarily need academic qualifications to do trading. Academic qualifications are for your boss to see, but learning is essential for trading. Learning in trading can be divided into two levels: technical analysis and fundamental analysis.

The more short-term the market is, the greater the role of technical analysis, and the more long-term the market is, the greater the role of fundamental analysis. You can reasonably allocate your learning time according to your own trading model. For technical analysis, I recommend the price behavior analysis school, and for fundamental analysis, I recommend macroeconomics as the starting point for learning.

4. The most important point for novice traders is to start trading with a small amount of money, and not to put a lot of money into the market right away. Learning trading will definitely take a while, and it is common for accounts to be halved and liquidated. Reducing the principal invested in the early stage of trading can effectively save learning costs and make your trading journey more stable and comfortable.

5. The more trading strategies you learn, the better. The logics of different trading strategies conflict with each other, which can easily cause confusion in thinking. The best way to learn trading is to focus on one strategy, repeat and try it in the market, and perfect a trading strategy, so that you can form your own trading model. To achieve stable profits in trading, the depth of knowledge is more important than the breadth.

Space is limited, so I will just say this much today. Learning trading is by no means an easy task, but at the end of trading there are indeed magnificent scenery that ordinary people can hardly reach - and this may be the charm of trading.