Warning! Warning! 🔥🔥🔥

The German government has once again transferred 1,000 BTC to another address marked as the German government.

It is likely that the next shipment will be made again, and the market may face the risk of falling to 50,000!

If BTC falls below 50,000, what should we buy at the bottom?

First of all, the sectors, the best sectors this year, Meme, BRC20, DePIN, the first two of which have been hyped, and the remaining is DePIN.

DePIN refers to "decentralized infrastructure". This is the track that I think is most likely to go out of the circle in the encryption track. Why are Western investors so obsessed with it, because DePIN not only links physical devices, but also can mobilize the resources of these physical devices, which is an application example of blockchain technology.

Therefore, I think that the DePIN track will definitely explode in the future, and a number of high-market-value projects will be born, and it is a normal thing for devices to access different networks through DePIN.

After choosing the track, we will continue to choose the coin. Why is there a few logics for choosing io.net?

1. IO was launched on Binance's LaunchPool on June 11. The project's strength and background should not be simple. The team behind it is endorsed and will definitely pull the market in the future. Don't choose a copycat randomly because the risk of zeroing out is too great.

2. io.net is entering a huge computing power market, with the goal of gathering idle GPU computing power and then providing GPU computing power support for other units or companies. This year's concentrated outbreak of AI proves that this is a market with strong demand and is still in the blue ocean stage.

3. io.net's imagination is big enough. Recently, more and more computing power has been connected, which will directly enhance io.net's voice in the computing power market. When a project has entered a positive cycle of development, we just need to take this ride. At the same time, we can also choose to participate in the mining of the io.net ecosystem ourselves, which is still a relatively early opportunity.

4. The price of the $IO token has a large imagination space. After falling below $2 at the lowest, it rebounded violently to $2.5. This also means that once the market stabilizes, IO will start a crazy rebound and rise. The price of IO is closely related to the development of the io.net network, the development of DePIN and the development of AI. Investing in IO, to some extent, is investing in these cutting-edge tracks. Isn’t this an opportunity?

#IO去中心化算力网络 $IO