🚨Liquidation alert: Be cautious when trading with leverage! 🚨


According to the liquidation heat map data provided by Coinglass, we can see the violent fluctuations in market dynamics. 📉 In the past 24 hours, $239 million of positions were liquidated in the market storm!


Looking back at last week's data, the bulls suffered huge losses in leveraged positions; however, the situation changed today. In the past hour, short positions became the main force of liquidation.


A wake-up call to all trading friends🛎️, market participants need to remain extremely vigilant, especially when trading with leverage. Remember, leveraged trading can magnify gains, but it can also magnify losses. If you are also a trading enthusiast, remember that leverage is a double-edged sword. Once you have liquidated, you can never come back. 😨


Imagine this scene: After trading sideways for several months, Bitcoin suddenly breaks through resistance like a rocket, and the price soars to a jaw-dropping height. But if you have already left the market due to a margin call, then no matter how high the price of Bitcoin rises, it will only be a feast for others. 🌕


So, friends, be calm when investing and think twice about leverage. Safety first, protect your wallet and assets, and restrain the irrational behavior of frequent position changes and greedy leverage. Take steady steps and make yourself rich slowly! 💼🔒

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