Main Image text: BTC

※Since I was about to go to bed just now, I posted an article early before the bearer left. As a result, the bearer came, so the previous article needs to be corrected, but the correction is not big. After all, the behavior of long and short is as I explained before. What I see is long and short. They are destined to think at that time, so they will not change their thoughts because of what is happening now.

Therefore, let’s look at the attached picture first. Yesterday morning at 1 o’clock in the morning, BTC has also fallen as mentioned above. It is also falling in the early morning, which can be said to have shattered the belief in bottom speculation as mentioned above.

Therefore, as mentioned in the conversation at 3 a.m. in the attached picture, those who speculated on the bottom actually turned short.

As I said in the conversation in the attached picture after 2 o'clock, the air host should come after 4 o'clock in the morning. But the point is that the price difference is not big.

——Future (Follow-up):

★ Therefore, based on the above situation, what has not changed is that the bottom speculators just mentioned will still come to speculate on the bottom after 16:00 on the 8th, but there will also be no multiple owners. Don't pay too much attention to this.

Then, as mentioned in the article just mentioned in advance, the big short sellers are from July 5 to August 5. Under normal circumstances, it means that time is needed. Then after the short sellers fell earlier, the army of bottom speculators also It will continue to appear, but what is different from just now is that it will use the downward shock method until the more important 11th day before starting to enter the downward pressure.


