Bitcoin has also fallen as mentioned above. Take a look at what the shaded part of the article published at one o'clock in the morning said? Look at the masked area below the attached picture:

Main Image text: BTC

※Please look at the attached picture before reading below.

As mentioned in the article on the 5th, as long as a collapse occurs as soon as the big bearer appears, a very large amount of speculation will occur after the collapse. The reasons for bottom speculation all come from the belief in the bull market. Similarly, there are no multiple owners in speculation.

As mentioned in the previous article yesterday, observing whether the market turned bearish at 1 o'clock yesterday morning will affect whether the bearer appears at 20 o'clock. Of course, there was no time at 1 o'clock, and there was no movement after 20 o'clock. So the speculation continues.

——Future (Follow-up):

★At present, speculation information is present in bottom speculation. It also means that those who speculate on the bottom do not know what the reality of the rebound is. It also includes the fact that technical analysis is not helpful, and those who rely on technology have gone beyond technical knowledge and used the idea that falling deep is speculation that has nothing to do with technology, which results in the state of speculation.

In the follow-up, special attention should be paid to the empty owner after 16:00 on the 7th and the empty owner after 0:00 on the 8th. This empty owner may make the army of bottom speculators give up their faith directly.


