•Study Truly, with a good Mentor, facilitates and speeds up the process;
•After having due preparation, assemble 3 personal Crypto Lists (Strong, Average and Weak);
•Set a goal of how many Units of each one on the list you want to have as an investment for the next bull market, in clear accordance with your financial reality (I suggest 30% more than what you think you can get until the next bull market today)
•When you receive your salary, first invest and then pay bills and take 10% of the amount you would invest to start a small reserve. ex: if you were going to invest $100 in crypto, invest $90 and save $10. ;
• Hold firm to the plan to get your list and the appropriate amount of each crypto on the list until the next high (perhaps 2025 as indicators point out).
• Crisis and market fell? take advantage and, if possible, buy to fulfill your personal listing;
• With due preparation, place your cryptos to earn passive income (good list, good quantity, and due knowledge of how to obtain excellent passive income)