$BILLY hit a new high today. From 16 zeros to 0.19, I don’t know how many times it has increased.

It turns out that the local dog that everyone looks down on has always been in a bull market. Let VC coins go away.

I found a top buyer who bought 440U.

Then he has made a profit of 21WU.

There are still 18WU that have not been sold, which is almost a thousand times.


Tracking the dedicated robot for Golden Dog, friends who are interested can try to follow the smart money in the comment area.

The address just now is:


That is to say, his cost is less than 3 SOLs.

It turns out that we who play the big market have always been clowns.


#meme板块关注热点 #solana生态 #SmartMoney #memecoin🚀🚀🚀