According to today's report by Dongfang Fortune Network: US Treasury Secretary Yellen plans to visit China from July 6 to 9. This trip may have an important impact on the economic and trade relations between China and the United States.

Why does the US Treasury Secretary come to visit China when the game between China and the United States is in full swing?

The United States has a total of 7.9 trillion debts to repay this year. Yellen may not only visit China, but also negotiate with various creditor countries.

The United States is definitely unable to repay 7.9 trillion, so it is prepared to negotiate to increase interest and pay the interest first. Continue to drag down the United States. The current situation is complicated, and it is likely that they will agree to pay the interest first. Now most of the world is still using the US dollar, and the US dollar cannot jump.

The total size of US debt has reached 34 trillion. Sooner or later in the next one to two years, even the interest will not be paid. The credit of the United States has collapsed. Now, except for China, other countries in the world can basically not save the current United States except for China. The reshuffle of the financial market is a foregone conclusion.

The above content has a huge impact on both the stock market and the currency circle. After this round of BTC bull market, I don’t know when the next bull market will come. Whether it can exceed this high point is unknown. Pay attention to preventing financial risks in the new two and a half years.

Recently, I have arranged some spot goods and paid attention to Dayang Digital Chain.

In this wave of callback, let’s hoard 100 times coins at the bottom.

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