They produced it for 53 euros and sold it for 2600 euros! Trustee for two world-famous fashion giants: Electricity consumption data revealed

The fashion world is shaken by the trustee decision of the Italian court. It turned out that two giant brands, which sell their products for thousands of dollars, were exploiting suppliers. The court appointed a trustee for the production operations of the two brands for one year.

Fashion giants Christian Dior and Giorgio Armani (more commonly known as Dior and Armani) have been under fire for some time due to unethical practices uncovered in their production operations in Italy.

As a result of investigations opened on suspicion of allowing and encouraging labor exploitation, trustees were appointed to the production operations of world-famous brands in Italy.

The Italian subsidiary of French-based luxury brand giant LVMH, which produces Dior brand bags, was placed under court supervision in early June following an investigation into the allegation that it gave work to Chinese subcontractors that violated workers' rights.


According to Reuters, the 34-page court decision stated that the workers were forced to sleep at work in order to "work 24 hours a day".

Electricity consumption data revealed "uninterrupted day-night production cycles, including holidays." Additionally, the machines' safety devices were removed to allow workers to work faster, the document said.

Production costs were reduced through such illegal methods. Accordingly, while Dior bags were produced for a low price of 53 euros each, this bag was later sold in stores for 2,600. The verdict given against Dior was the third decision taken by the court in Milan, Italy, within the scope of preventive measures this year.

Similarly, last April he was appointed to the helm of a company owned by Armani amid accusations that the fashion group had not inspected its suppliers thoroughly enough.