$WIF Today’s decline is recovered, #点个关注↗️不迷路

To buy the bottom, #WIF has rebounded relatively quickly. It has rebounded by 20+% from the bottom. $PEOPLE has fallen dozens of points, but it has not even rebounded. The total market value has dropped to 250 million US dollars. Has it been given up by the people? Steady number one on the decline list!

WIF profits can be taken in batches! Just a short-term rebound!

#MEME幣 Currently, #BONK and WIF are rebounding relatively quickly! If it falls again, consider getting on the bus!

$ZEN has been rising since it moved out of the observation area, nearly doubling, and it is performing well! After all, the high point of 169 US dollars has fallen, and now it is only a fraction of 9 US dollars. It is an old currency with a very low market value! You can pay more attention later!
