From the current structure, after hitting the bottom of 56750 last night, it rebounded, and it was suppressed to the 58800 line in the morning. It was suppressed and unable to rise. It then showed a unilateral decline trend and began to rebound from the 53329 line.

Bitcoin has experienced a disappointing price drop. This phenomenon is not caused by clear bad news, but the result of disorderly market fluctuations. Investors are generally confused and helpless. Many people are trapped after taking over at high positions, and market liquidity is reduced, forming a negative cycle. Some analysts believe that the market urgently needs major good news or continued declines to break the current deadlock. At the same time, the recent frequent government intervention and market panic have exacerbated the sharp fluctuations in Bitcoin prices. Although short-term fluctuations may bring certain benefits, they cannot solve the problem in the long run and may only be temporary relief.

In terms of trend, it rebounded slightly last night and adjusted upward. In the morning of the same day, it was weak at the 58800 line, and the upward trend was effectively suppressed. Then it fell strongly to the 53329 line. From the 4h level line, we can see the Bollinger Band opening line, and then look at the KDJ line and MACD line, so combined with the above views, we can continue to look down in the future.

Big Pie Idea: Short in the 55000-55500 range, target 50000

Auntie Idea: Short around 2910-2950, ​​target 2750$BTC $ETH #非农就业数据即将公布 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #BTC走势分析