Make money. But their operating ideas are completely different. Newbies often have no chips in their hands and are eager to enter the market. And veterans take advantage of this influx of newbies and take the opportunity to distribute chips.

No one was losing money when Bitcoin hit $70,000. You’ll hear amazing statements like “BTC hits new highs, all historical buys are in profit!” But the reality is that those who sold at $70,000 in March made the same money as those who sold at $57,000 in July.

If you can break through the mindset that "time can only move forward" and imagine that the time dimension can move in both directions like the space dimension, then you will find that those who sold at $70,000 in March 2024 actually made the money of those who sold at $16,000 in December 2022.

This is the so-called "earn money first, lose money later" or "lose money first, make money later" concept. In other words, the market is always reallocating funds in different periods. Understand this, and you will be able to see the logic behind the market. #币圈 #BTC☀