One: Despite the fall in Bitcoin prices, companies did not sell their assets. Instead, many companies began buying BTC during the price drop. For example: BlackRock is "buying the dip" in Bitcoin $BTC $ETH

Two: Despite the need to free up capital, the largest miner, Marathon Digital Holdings, has not disposed of its assets.

It is worth noting that miner capitulation could signal an impending trend reversal.

If history repeats itself, bulls could oust bears by late summer.

According to data from Santiment, there are growing calls on social media to “buy the dip.” When Bitcoin was below $60,000, people found it particularly attractive.

3: Expectations for a Fed Rate Cut Although most market participants are confident that the Fed will not cut interest rates at its next meeting in late July, delegates hinted that investors may see a rate cut later this year.

4. US Election

The crypto community in the United States is growing rapidly, and the topic has not been ignored by the presidential candidates.

After the recent debate, everyone believes that Donald Trump, who has publicly pledged to support the development of the crypto market, will become president.

If he wins, the head of the SEC could be a positive for cryptocurrencies.

This article has analyzed the positive and negative factors of the current market. I don't want to impose any opinions on you, just do your own analysis and develop your own strategy. Personally, I think Bitcoin is a very good long-term investment (at least 4 years). I am not worried about the future of cryptocurrencies and believe that the market is in good condition. Be friends with time and stick to long-term investment is the key to becoming a winner!#比特币暴跌 #德国政府转移比特币 #门头沟事件 #贝莱德假新闻