#IO去中心化算力网络 $IO

Can Nvidia in the cryptocurrency circle reproduce Nvidia's 10,000-fold miracle in the bull market?

As we all know, the new generation of industrial revolution is the rise of AI. However, the current pain point of AI is the need for powerful computing power, so Nvidia has risen, and its stock price has also soared rapidly this year. So can the cryptocurrency circle achieve the miracle of Nvidia by overtaking in a decentralized way?

The answer is yes. An ambitious project has already stepped forward to challenge, that is io

AI+depin is the leading coin in the track, and a hundred times in the future is not a dream

Needless to say, AI, depin is a track that the author has been paying attention to for a long time. The full name of depin is "Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks", which is a new type of decentralized physical infrastructure network: it aims to solve the problem of scattered and inefficient physical infrastructure in the real world. Through decentralization, Depin can reduce costs and improve efficiency, thereby achieving true decentralization. In short, it is currently the project with the most application scenarios and unlimited potential in the future.

io.net Cloud is an advanced decentralized computing network that enables ML engineers to access scalable distributed clusters at a more economical cost than using centralized services. Users can coordinate computing through io.net and rent out their idle GPU resources to get rewards.

Simply put, powerful computing power is expensive. Not everyone is rich enough to buy NVIDIA AI chips. io has stepped up at this time. As long as everyone provides a little computing power, it can not only bring down the price of computing power, but also benefit from it. It can be said to be a win-win situation.

Although the market fell, io still retained some of its style when it went online, and once soared 80%. Although the price has fallen back, I am still optimistic about its future prospects. Perhaps the future of wealth depends on io

Can NVIDIA io in the currency circle achieve a miracle of 100 times or even 10,000 times in the future bull market? Let us wait and see.