According to Odaily, a report released by Zee Prime Capital suggests that Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePin) could transform law enforcement into community enterprises, enhancing transparency. The report discusses Decentralized Security (DeSec), which involves building distributed surveillance and law enforcement systems, such as ballistic triangulation systems and community patrol Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
The author, Luffistotle, states that blockchain and decentralized architectures excel in security redundancy, and communities are willing to pay extra to ensure optimal security. DeSec applications also offer incentives to enhance power infrastructure, protecting it from destructive events. Furthermore, decentralized airborne radar networks could reduce potential threats of terrorism.
Decentralized networks like Helium can ensure everyone enjoys a free and open internet, combating state surveillance and threats of totalitarianism. Luffistotle emphasizes the need to strike a balance between transparency and privacy to avoid a more intrusive surveillance state.