IS THERE FEAR IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE? Will Bitcoin Crash? Goldman Sachs gave the signal!

Is the biggest worry in the cryptocurrency market coming true?

Goldman Sachs' reliable indicator may be pointing to a bear market!

The S&P 500 index has always entered a bear market (blue bars on the chart) when this indicator reaches 70%.

Bitcoin also traditionally moves with the stock market, and this will probably not change now.

So is there no hope?

There are always exceptions! There have also been abnormal bull markets, such as the dot-com bubble, where the decline began several years after the indicator's signal.

Here's the good news: International financial regulators plan to lower interest rates and the money supply is increasing again. This increases our chances of seeing an abnormal bull market.

So what happens to Bitcoin if the stock market really crashes?

Although this question remains unanswered for now, Goldman Sachs' indicator keeps us on our toes. We will continue to follow the cryptocurrency market closely in the coming days!