As the annual conference of the Algorand ecosystem, Decipher 2024 was successfully concluded in Barcelona from June 26th to 27th. The conference aims to build an efficient communication platform for developers of the Algorand ecosystem and explore the future trends of the Algorand ecosystem. During the conference, Algorand also made a number of progress in technology updates, developer community and on-chain users.

To summarize this conference and review the achievements of the past year, Algorand is committed to continuous innovation and optimization, and to promoting the prosperity and development of the ecosystem together with developers and users. Looking to the future, Algorand will continue to work hard in technology and community to build a more open, efficient and secure blockchain platform, and provide better services and support to global users and developers.

important Notice

  • LabTrace completed the first study using its blockchain-based data authentication system to ensure data integrity in clinical trials (funded by GSK);

  • Coinbase has enabled support for USDC sending and receiving on the Algorand network. Algorand can deposit and withdraw their USDCa directly on Coinbase, significantly improving the user experience for Algorand projects and partners.

  • A digital euro money market fund is launched on Algorand, and native code-free atomic settlement facilitates efficient transactions.

  • Algorand has joined hands with global fintech companies and the United Nations to establish a humanitarian alliance, aiming to improve the efficiency and convenience of cash assistance and increase access to cash assistance during humanitarian crises based on the decentralized, tamper-proof, open, transparent, traceable and verifiable characteristics of blockchain technology.

Technological progress and developer community

  • Algorand has successfully implemented dynamic lambda, reducing block time to less than 3 seconds.

  • Algorand launched AlgoKit 2.0, making Python the native programming language of Algorand, making it easy for more than 10 million Python developers around the world to get started.

  • Algorand is developing LiquidAuth technology to achieve decentralized identity authentication and P2P communication, getting rid of the centralized WalletConnect.

  • Algorand’s leadership in quantum-safe blockchains has also been further solidified, with a track record of being resistant to quantum attacks.

  • Algorand launches new metrics portal, providing real-time data dashboard and trusted source of industry data.

  • Algorand has partnered with Nansen to integrate its data and dashboard, which will go live in the summer.

  • Through a series of initiatives, developers are encouraged to submit public code repositories, and 86 new public code repositories have been submitted so far.

Transaction and data growth

  • Algorand achieved 43 million transactions in one day without any delays or performance issues, demonstrating its strong transaction processing capabilities.

  • Over the past year, Algorand transactions have grown 81% and asset creation has grown 76%.

  • Algorand is integrated with Mastercard through lmmersv, and users will be able to make Mastercard payments through the Pera wallet.

  • Algorand has achieved quantum security on its blockchain.

Roadmap Update

  • Implemented: dynamic lambda, non-archive relay, AlgoKit 2.0.

  • Future plans: consensus incentives; P2P network topology; AlgoKit - native Python and AlgoKit 2.0 - Typescript version.

  • Under development: LiquidAuth; xHD wallet; zero-knowledge proof for privacy protection.

  • Algorand’s leadership in quantum-safe blockchain: developing post-quantum random functions and post-quantum signature schemes.

  • Announcing: Pera wallet integration with Mastercard via lmmersv, enabling payments using Pera accounts, currently in testnet, more to come soon.


As one of the important narratives this year, Algorand has attached great importance to the RWA track in the past year and promoted the application of RWA in many industries such as real estate, art, music, and commodities, providing all-round support such as technology, capital, and marketing. Algorand's continued efforts in the RWA track will allow a large number of high-quality real-world assets to enter the ecosystem, truly promoting the adoption of blockchain technology in the real world.

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About Algorand

Algorand aims to create a Web3 transaction throughput comparable to the speed of traditional finance, with instant finality, near-zero transaction costs, and 24/7 availability. Since its launch, it has maintained zero downtime, zero soft forks, and zero failed transactions. From decentralized finance to generative NFT art to RWA, Algorand is powering the economic models of the future.

About the Decipher Conference

The Decipher Conference is Algorand's annual ecological event, which aims to build an efficient communication platform for developers in the Algorand ecosystem and explore the future trends of the Algorand ecosystem. Since the Decipher event in November 2022, the number of Algorand wallets has increased by 3 times, the number of transactions has increased by 2 times, the number of mainnet applications has increased by 17 times, and the number of developers participating in the development plan has increased by 2.6 times.