I'm gonna summarize the FOMC minutes for you guys.. Almost everyone believes the economy is slowing , While some upside risks were mentioned, the minutes focused more on downside risks and noted that price pressures are easing rather than increasing Several mentioned that if inflation "persists at elevated levels," additional rate hikes "might" be necessary Several observed slowing wage growth, a few noted retailers cutting prices, and some reported less difficulty in hiring and retaining worker Overall, they observed modest further progress, but agreed that rate cuts wouldn't be appropriate until additional information gives them greater confidence that inflation is on track to reach their 2% goal. Most think current interest rates are restrictive, but some pointed out that inflation might stay above 2% longer than expected. Some also noted uncertainty about the extent of restrictiveness, suggesting the long-run interest rate might be higher than previously assessed, meaning rates may be less restrictive than they appear Several think the payrolls survey might be overstating actual job gains & Several indicated that further weakening demand could lead to higher unemployment, and many said the Fed needs to be prepared to respond to unexpected economic weakness.