Here are effective strategies to consistently earn $100 a day through crypto trading on Binance:

1. **Start Small and Learn:**

Begin with a modest investment to familiarize yourself with Binance's platform. Utilize demo accounts and resources like Binance Academy to build your skills.

2. **Focus on Liquidity:**

Trade high-liquidity cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, or BNB to facilitate easy trade entries and exits, minimizing price slippage.

3. **Use Limit Orders:**

Opt for limit orders over market orders to control transaction prices, maximizing profit potential by setting precise buy or sell points.

4. **Leverage Market Trends:**

Monitor market trends and news using tools like TradingView charts. Identify bullish patterns for early buy-ins and bearish trends to preemptively sell.

5. **Set Realistic Goals:**

Aim for consistent, incremental gains rather than aiming for large profits. Compound small successes to steadily increase earnings.

6. **Risk Management:**

Safeguard your capital with stop-loss orders and diversify your portfolio to mitigate risks across different assets.

7. **Stay Updated:**

Stay informed with the latest market developments and Binance updates. Follow respected traders and engage in Binance communities for valuable insights.

8. **Utilize Binance Earn:**

Explore Binance Earn options such as staking, savings, and liquidity farming to generate passive income from your crypto holdings.

9. **Practice Patience:**

Avoid chasing losses or making impulsive trades. Stick to your trading plan and exercise patience. Missing a trade is preferable to rushing into a loss.

10. **Continuous Learning:**

Commit to ongoing education in trading strategies, technical analysis, and market psychology. Enhanced knowledge improves decision-making and boosts trading effectiveness.

By implementing these strategies diligently and maintaining discipline, you can work towards achieving consistent daily earnings of $100 or more through crypto trading on Binance.