Negative outlook for consumption, credit card defaults and theft incidents increase😿

Following the dire consumer outlook earlier this week from a string of retailers (Macy's / Dollar Tree / Foot Locker), Nordstrom added to the anxiety about consumer health with rising credit card delinquencies and theft incidents. Furthermore, management expressed caution on spending expectations for the rest of the year and into the crucial holiday season, echoing worrisome comments from Macy's earnings call which mentioned:

·"While we had expected delinquencies to rise... the speed at which the increase occurred for us and the broader credit card industry... Was faster than planned"

·The speed of those delinquencies across all aged balances actually accelerated after Q1, and that occurred primarily in June and July... We've experienced higher aged balances across all delinquency levels.

·That consumer is experiencing a number of headwinds as they think about servicing their responsibilities and their liabilities. I referenced a little bit earlier credit cards, I referenced student loans, auto loans, mortgage. All those in a higher interest rate environment creates real challenges.

#creditcard #Nordstrom #Management #earnings #loan