Today's highlights BTC analysis

After the adjustment in the early morning, BTC hourly line entered a consolidation state. In the day, we need to pay attention to yesterday's low of 61800 as a support level.

If it falls below, pay attention to the possible retracement to the 61200-61600 range. In the case of hourly line oscillation, the rebound strength at the four-hour level is not large. It depends on whether the four-hour level closing line can stabilize at the 62200 line.

If it can stabilize, it will continue to rebound during the day. The first resistance level is around 63200, and the second resistance level is around 64000-64500. #btc70k

ETH analysis #ETH大涨

ETH is relatively weak, and a small-level downward channel is formed at the hourly level, but it stabilizes at 3400 points, and the market is buffered.

However, the rebound strength is weak and the volume is poor. The support point that needs to be paid attention to during the day is around 3400, which is also the low point of yesterday.

The resistance position first looks at the short-term resistance in the 3440-3460 range.

If it can break through this range, the short-term resistance will move up to the 3480-3520 range.

If the market is to rise in volume, it needs to break through and stabilize the 3520 line before it can further look at the 3560-3600 range. #ASI代币合并计划 #MiCA

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