For $INJ , it's stuck in this range of 18-25. When it's low in the range near 18 area, that's a nice place to DCA in. Again, depending on if BTC retests the 50s again or not, INJ can go to 14.5 if BTC does a lower retest of high 50s. That 14.5 is a must-hold area and a Bull/Bear divide line. If it got there, then that's a solid place to DCA into. Overall I am bullish on INJ at these levels after a big pull back, but there are so many Layer 1s and layer 2s now... so how do we know if the market will like INJ over some other blockchain or not?.... For example, Vitalik Buterin just helped launch a new blockchain called MegaETH, which is like $ETH but has 100K Transactions Per Second (TPS). So we can research and talk about how great the tech of INJ is and how much more superior it is... but the market just don't seem to care that much for the fundamentals and the tech, for now. The INJ founder was helping promote a meme coin on INJ named after his dog... so this is like that AVAX - COQ situation again. I think INJ is probably more bullish than AVAX though, and it is at levels where some good DCA can be done. NFA, DYOR.