Recent mainnet projects are not very good

Select more early test networks to do

In addition to the Spark testnet and 0G v2 testnet released in June,

Apollo test network, SonicSVM test network,

Particle Network test network, Aigisos test network

Today we introduce another early test network - Sunrise test network

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Tutorial Start

1. Project Introduction

@SunriseLayer is a specialized DA layer with proof of liquidity and fee abstraction capabilities.

Sunrise extends Berachain’s PoL model to Rollup and L2.

While maintaining compatibility with Celestia.

Sunrise just launched its incentivized testnet, joining the airdrop campaign from day one


2. Preliminary preparation for interaction

1: EVM series + Cosmos series

2: EVM requires a record of +0.001 Ethereum mainnet amount


Three: Interaction steps

1: Open the test network:


2: After completing the connection, click the Faucet in the upper right corner to receive water.


3: Go to the Swap interface


4: Interaction as shown, non-uniform behavior


5: Go to LP interface:


6: Add liquidity to its pool

LP will bring vRISE incentives to users.


7: Find the Your Liquidity column and click to view the user’s LP.

8: Click Claim to receive vRISE governance token.

At the same time, click Decrease Liquidity to withdraw part of the liquidity.


9: Go to the governance interface:


10: Lock vRISE to gain voting rights, but no proposals are currently activated.

11: Users can also choose to unlock vRISR and swap it into RISE

12: Finally, check the user's tasks and points here:


4. Official Document Standard Test Network Rewards

Testnet users are eligible for RISE airdrop wave 4


That’s all for today

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