Biden's performance is poor, Trump may be successfully elected, monetary easing policy, the cryptocurrency circle will usher in a new round of take-off

Biden's performance during the presidential campaign, especially in the TV debate, was criticized as poor, resulting in a decline in public support.

At the same time, Trump showed certain advantages in the campaign with his confident performance and solid voter base.

However, the final election results still depend on the subsequent campaign strategies, voter support and external factors of both parties. Therefore, it is not yet certain that Trump will successfully run for president, but the situation is more favorable for him.

If Trump's election is successful, the impact on the cryptocurrency circle

Policy support: Trump may promote the reduction of cryptocurrency regulation, provide support for industry development, and bring positive signals to the market.

Market volatility: In the short term, the market may fluctuate due to policy expectations, but the long-term impact needs to observe the actual policy implementation.

Industry development: Trump's support may promote innovation and technological progress in the cryptocurrency industry and promote market growth.

Regulatory environment: Specific regulatory policies have yet to be clarified, but they may tend to be relaxed to support industry development while strengthening risk prevention and control.

In summary, Trump's successful election has a positive impact on the cryptocurrency circle, but the specific effect still needs to be evaluated based on policy implementation and market reaction.

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