ASTR market express! #ASTR

1-2-4 hour level bullish forces are rising in an all-round way, unstoppable!

Day price: 0.06916, this is our focus, keep your eyes on it. #ASTR.智能策略库🥇🥇

At the day level, the rebound is hot, once it is successfully established, the upward channel will be unobstructed.

The long-order strategy is ready, and the two price ranges of 0.08887 to 0.10299 are the best positions for our layout. #ASTR.24小时交易策略

But the market is unpredictable. If the rebound fails to break through the daily price, we need to be alert to the downside risk.

Support level: around 0.06126, it will be our safety cushion. Friends, be cautious in operation and move forward steadily! #以太坊ETF批准预期 $ASTR