$1000SATS Since last month, some people have said that the price will break zero. Has it broken now? Last time I said that it would reach 2 in a short time. Did it reach it directly? I never say anything nonsense in my articles. Breaking zero means changing dealers. Even the king of heaven will do the same. Unless there is a loophole in this coin, it can be issued indefinitely! Otherwise, it is impossible to break zero. Go to the chain to see the coin holding address and push the price yourself. If some people hold SATS and also talk about SATS, I can only say that their brains are not working well. They are either brain-dead or something. If you hold this coin, you must have a long-term plan, otherwise you will not be able to grasp it. Those who short it will be bloodbathed soon. #币安合约锦标赛