Everyone thinks that stocks have value and are the real economy, but they keep falling.

Everyone thinks that cryptocurrency is air and a complete scam, but they keep rising.

If cognition and reality do not match, then there must be a mistake in cognition.

Arrogance is the greatest stupidity. When a new thing appears and a phenomenon becomes popular, there must be a reason behind it. What we need to do is not to oppose or resist, but to use the new power.

Today, bad stocks are on the headlines again. With bad stocks falling to such an extent, many people have expressed their anger, choosing to cut their losses and leave, close their accounts after getting back their capital, and even swearing never to touch these bad stocks again in their lives...

However, no matter how they denounce, bad stocks seem to exist consistently, just like a dog can't change its habit of eating shit. It seems that in this world, bad stocks are the eternal gamble.

In this world, the feeling of lying down and making money is undoubtedly incomparable. It is really hard to resist the temptation to easily top up some money and wake up to find that the stock price has risen by 10%.

For those who choose to sell at a loss and swear not to touch bad stocks, they only need one daily limit, and if that doesn't work, another daily limit, and they will come back obediently. After all, this is the only legal casino in the country.

In the world of investment, there are ups and downs, risks and opportunities coexist. Whether it is anger, selling at a loss, or swearing not to touch, these are just insignificant scenes in this investment gamble.

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