Usually, it takes a leek a bull-bear cycle from sprouting to maturity, which is about 5 years.

For a dull person, like the answerer, it may take about 10 years to gain a foothold in the cryptocurrency circle, and it cannot be said that the first pot of gold will be enough to support oneself.

Of course, unlike the average million-dollar income on Zhihu, supporting yourself means being able to generate stable income in the cryptocurrency circle.

The investment method is also very simple: hoard coins in a bear market and sell them in a bull market. Of course, investment strategies and returns are multi-dimensional, which I will not elaborate on here.

As the saying goes, if you don’t open for three years, you can make enough money for three years after you open it. This is true not only in the antique circle, but also in the currency circle.

In order to make your first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency world, in addition to some investment skills, you need more luck.

Luck is an elusive thing. After years of ups and downs in the cryptocurrency world, countless opportunities for financial freedom have slipped away from my fingertips.

To really calculate how long it takes, it depends on whether your luck is good enough. Having the ability is useless, the key is luck.

If you can buy one yuan of Ant Coin in 2017, and are lucky enough to be arrested by the police and have to spend three months in prison, you will be financially free after you come out.

If you also mine Bitcoins online, and after being sentenced to a few years, you quietly look at the 10,000 Bitcoins lying in your wallet and fall into deep thought, you can also;


There are many ifs in this world, and the most important thing is luck.

You don’t have to calculate the time it takes to buy a coin at a low price and sell it at a high price to calculate your wealth freedom. This method is invalid in the cryptocurrency world.

Even if you can buy at the lowest point, can you hold on to it?

If the price goes up, you can hold on. If it goes up 20 times, you will definitely be out. But you will not be free from this 20 times. You can only be free for one or two years. It is more likely that you will lose money in the next year.

The money earned by luck will eventually be lost by strength.

Years of experience have taught me that we can only make money within the scope of our own cognition.

How many tycoons in the cryptocurrency circle knew nothing about the cryptocurrency circle, but they became financially free instantly by betting on fil, and then their wealth was wiped out overnight because of betting on fil.

Just a second ago, he was holding my shoulder and said, Xiao Jiang, you see, those of us who know nothing are making more money in the cryptocurrency world, which means that it is useless even if you know something.

The next second, Xiao Jiang, I was finished, my account was liquidated. I should have listened to you and not blindly went long on fil.

The cruelty and bloodiness of the cryptocurrency world is something that many people outside the circle cannot understand.

Why did a Korean family of three commit suicide, why did some people burst into tears on the high-speed train, and why did some people go to the rooftop after being heavily in debt.

The more you want to achieve financial freedom quickly in the cryptocurrency world, the easier it is to lose everything overnight.

Risk and return are directly proportional.

It's not that you can't touch contracts, but you must have strict investment discipline to stop losses and take profits, and you must use your spare money to play with it, so that you can survive in this circle.

No investment tycoon will go all-in. The tycoon who once shorted Tesla should have gone bankrupt after Tesla's stock price increased sevenfold, but his investment discipline saved him, which is:

No investment will exceed 5% of the total funds.

If you want to work in this circle, you must control risks and be prepared for black swans at all times.

If you are a newcomer in the cryptocurrency circle, the first thing you should do is to lose less money or even protect your capital, rather than making a fortune.

Such a goal is extremely difficult for many people to achieve. According to real data, the probability of retail investors losing money in the cryptocurrency circle is as high as 90%.

Most people in the cryptocurrency world lose money.

Most of the newbies only know the Kobe stock market, where people make fortunes in the cryptocurrency world, so they imagine themselves as the protagonist of the story...

He thought he was the chosen one, and that as long as he made a fortune, he would immediately cash out, chop wood, feed horses, and enjoy life.

There are indeed such stories in the story, but I haven't picked up any in real life.

Every successful person I have met is as high-profile in the bull market as he is in the bear market.

So follow me, and let’s make money in the cryptocurrency world honestly together. Don’t expect to get rich overnight.

I used to be just like everyone else, hoping to get rich overnight in the cryptocurrency world. I tried countless times, and each time reality dealt me ​​a heavy blow.

You and I are both ordinary people, and simplicity and stability are the real things!

Come on~coin circle people. #非农就业数据即将公布 $BTC