The Luna cryptocurrency, part of the Terra ecosystem, suffered a drastic drop in May 2022, bankrupting numerous investors and triggering a series of events that negatively affected the reputation of the cryptocurrency and the cryptocurrency market in general. Here are the key aspects that contributed to its bad reputation:

TerraUSD (UST) Collapse

TerraUSD (UST) was an algorithmic stablecoin pegged to the US dollar and backed by the Luna token. The premise of algorithmic stablecoins is to maintain their parity with the dollar through automated mechanisms and not through real dollar reserves. However, in May 2022, UST lost its peg to the dollar, falling sharply. This event is known as a "de-pegging" and caused mass panic among investors.

Moon Waterfall Effect

The collapse of UST had a domino effect on the price of Luna. Terra's system allowed conversion of UST to Luna to maintain UST peg, but when UST lost its value, the massive conversion demand resulted in hyperinflation of Luna, plummeting its value catastrophically.

Impact on the Crypto Market

The collapse of Luna and UST severely affected confidence in algorithmic stablecoins and the cryptocurrency market in general. Numerous investors lost large sums of money, and the event sparked a series of regulatory investigations and lawsuits against Terra's creators.

Poor Management and Lack of Transparency

Terra's founders, including Do Kwon, faced criticism for their handling of the collapse and lack of transparency. It was alleged that they did not adequately communicate the risks and did not implement sufficient preventive measures to prevent the collapse.

Following the collapse, several regulatory authorities in different countries launched investigations into Terra and its founders. Allegations ranged from fraud to mismanagement, and some key players in the ecosystem faced legal charges.

Recovery and Rebranding

After the collapse, Terra developers attempted to revive the project through various strategies, including launching a new version of the blockchain (Terra 2.0) and creating a new token. However, investor confidence had been severely shaken, and many remained skeptical about the future of the project.

In short, Luna's bad reputation is due to a combination of technical glitches in its UST stablecoin, poor crisis management, lack of transparency, and the enormous financial losses suffered by investors. This event highlighted the risks inherent in algorithmic stablecoins and led to greater regulatory scrutiny of the cryptocurrency market.


  • CoinDesk on the collapse of Terra

  • CriptoNoticias analysis of the impact of Luna

  • Yahoo Finance on the Luna collapse

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