It’s not that young people don’t know many truths, but when people are young, they generally have the kind of idea that they won’t turn back until they hit the wall, that is, they think they are different from others, or that they don’t have to be like others.

For example, when Maomao was young.

He was a rural kid who came in with me. His parents were farmers. His three older sisters got married early, and he was the only college student from an ordinary school.

After he arrived at the unit, he was diligent and sweet-mouthed. When Uncle Peng didn’t even take the broom, he came early every day to clean and wipe the table. When he saw other old colleagues, he called them brother, aunt, etc. very affectionately.

Later, he recognized the then office director as his godmother. This godmother was his benefactor. She introduced him to a rural girl in another unit and taught him many other things. Later, his development was smoother.

At that time, Maomao knew that his behavior was useful for career development, but the problem was that you knew it, but you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t pull it down at that time, and you despised his behavior.

You have to wait until you are a certain age, and then you see him get promoted through these actions, but you look down on him, but you are not promoted, you are still a small fry, and then when others call him, it is XX position, and you are still called by the original name, at this time, this strong sense of contrast will stimulate you to start to change, but if you change at this time, it is too late, and the most embarrassing thing is that if you don’t change now, it will be more difficult to change later

The biggest obstacle for people is themselves, and those who can convince themselves generally don’t do too badly