#phaver空投教程 🔥Phave posted yesterday that TGE airdrop will be distributed in July next month. Users who reach L2 level are eligible to obtain tokens! "Take a look at the nanny-level text version tutorial⬇️"

⚠️Notes: 🌈ios users need an external ID to download phaver🪜need to climb over the wall🤹‍♂️need face kyc! ✈️It is best to go online once at 12 o'clock every day and interact with the five pledges given!

☝️Registration steps: Start phaver➡️SIGN TO PHAVER➡️Fill in the invitation code to get 1K points: GiGbond➡️ENTER INVITE CODE➡️Email registration: Enter the email address➡️Enter the name, repeat the name➡️NETX➡️Skip➡️Let s goooooo! ➡️No CONTINUE TO PHAVER

☝️Chinese setting steps: Main interface➡️Click on the white unicorn in the lower right corner➡Settings in the upper right corner➡Settings➡language➡chinese, simplifiedd (Chinese, Simplified Chinese)➡Return to the main interface

☝️NFT casting, upgrade L2 steps (I operate on my mobile phone): Click the first of the six icons at the bottom of the APP main page➡L1 icon in the upper right corner➡Link your wallet➡Scroll down to find social credit➡Anima proof-Persongood➡Enter a new web page here➡Find a globe icon and click➡Bind your wallet➡Claim your NFT➡Tick all the boxes and then KYC face recognition➡From now on, the magic is done! (Wait for the upgrade to L2 at 12:00 noon the next day)

In addition, this is a three-way win. When you reach level 2, you can use the phaver account to get two other apps (lens) (warpcast). This is self-researched and there is a high probability of airdrops. The project is very hard, just click L1➡️My accounts and you can get a free account worth 13u