1. Select the target

First of all, this coin is not well-known. Well-known coins already have strong dealers. There can be two tigers in one mountain, unless one invites them. Secondly, the chips of this coin are relatively dispersed, so it is easy for dealers to wash the market and absorb chips.

Thirdly, the price of the coin must be low, otherwise it will require a huge amount of funds, and not every dealer dares to try;

Secondly, this coin has certain innovative points and does not need to have practical applications, but there is definitely the possibility of hype.

Finally, there will be a certain predetermined price increase for this coin, and then a contingency plan will be made to prevent it from being stolen.

2. Buying chips

There is a big difference between how bankers buy coins and how retail investors buy. Bankers buy in large volumes, so they have to keep costs as low as possible so that they can make higher profits. Therefore, bankers will absorb funds when the market is trading sideways at a low level.

However, even if the market is trading sideways at a low level, the market maker may still feel that the price is too high. At this time, the market maker will use the collected chips to smash the market, causing panic. Retail investors believe that the project is going to return to zero, and they flee regardless of the cost, and the market maker collects the bloody chips.

Of course, some coins have a strong consensus, and the dealer will raise the price to absorb the funds, so that some retail investors can profit and exit. Some charitable dealers will even raise the price to near the locked-in plate to help retail investors get out of the trap and collect a large number of chips.

For technical retail investors, the market makers will manipulate the market and draw lines, making technical retail investors think that a big drop will occur, and they will hand over their chips one after another.

3. Cleaning up retail investors

After the dealer buys a coin, he already knows the distribution of chips.

Retail investors who bought at the same time as the banker will experience the banker's washout. During this period, the price of the currency will fluctuate greatly. Sometimes it will be lower than the retail investor's cost price, and sometimes it will be higher than the retail investor's cost price. This will make retail investors exhausted and like a frightened bird, they will gradually lose their patience and only want to protect their principal. In this way, undetermined retail investors will be washed out.

4. Raise the price of the currency

During this time, the dealer will raise the price of chips, and then the market will be full of favorable information about chips. Retail investors will obtain favorable information from various channels, thinking that they have first-hand information, and choose to buy at a price far higher than the dealer's cost.

Some dealers will distribute a large number of chips while pushing up the price in one wave, but some dealers will have further operations.

5. Brief summary

At this time, the dealer will consolidate at a high level, wash the market again, and collect a certain amount of chips. During this time, the price will fluctuate within a high range, which is near the cost price of new retail investors.

6. Hit new highs and raise expectations

This stage requires courage and drastic measures.

The dealer will raise the price of the currency far beyond expectations, causing Fomo, and at the same time causing retail investors to raise their expectations of the currency price. Originally, retail investors expected 1u, and the dealer can raise it to 10u or even 30u. At this time, with some publicity, retail investors may even think that the price of the currency can reach 100u, and retail investors will be willing to take more coins, and at the same time, they are less willing to sell their chips at an objective high price and a subjective low price, thus facilitating the dealer's next stage of operation.

7. The last leg

During this period, the huge increase in the price of the currency attracted the attention of the market, and a large amount of traffic and funds began to flow in. A large number of retail investors could not wait to hand over their money, and the dealer took advantage of the situation to pass the last baton to the retail investors. After that, the price of the currency broke, and the retail investors competed to see who ran faster. Those who ran slower had a hard time getting out of the trap.

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