Why is it a good thing for the SEC to accuse the pledge track?

First of all, staking ETH itself has certain risks. The act of staking itself is a centralized act. So should we not support the pledge track?

No, the compliance and risk avoidance of pledges, and avoiding the investment of most coin holders from becoming a bubble, are the next key reform goals of the pledge track. It is how to avoid the situation where investors pack up and leave, and their hard work goes down the drain, how to improve it, or even avoid it, which is an insurance for the pledge track. Through these doubts! Accusations, the currency circle will eventually develop more and more benignly, and eventually move on the right path. In this process, the SEC also faces a problem, that is, token securitization, and whether it has the right to regulate. In short, in the long run. This is not a bad thing. Because it is essentially about stripping risks and diversifying risks. It is not a bad thing for coin holders in the pledge track.