Win 1#BTC by Swapping in the $500,000 Airdrop for the Binance Web3 Wallet!
Activity Period: December 5, 2023, 0:00 UTC to December 31, 2023, 23:59 UTC
Users will be eligible to enter a contest and win up to 1 BTC if they click [Join Now] on the activity page and perform at least one trade in Binance Web3 Wallet. The winner's Binance Web3 Wallet will get the rewards via airdrop!
Structure of Rewards:
Binance, Acala, Alchemy Pay, Chilliz, CyberConnect, Dodo, Gala Games, GMX, Kava EVM, Lido, Maverick, QuickSwap, Radiant Capital, SEI, and WooFi have all contributed prizes totaling $500,000 equal to this contest.
A maximum of one award will be given to each of the one million users.
The BNB Beacon Chain Hash Value as of December 31, 2023, 23:59 (UTC) will serve as the foundation for choosing the winner.
The eligible user with the highest number of matching digits in their Binance UID with the previously specified hash value will earn 1 BTC, while the eligible user with the lowest number of matching digits in their Binance UID with the previously mentioned hash value will receive 1 SHIB reward.