$BTC The cryptocurrency market has been falling recently, so I went to relieve some pressure. I went to wash my feet yesterday. I declared that it was a formal one. The technician was in his early 20s. I told her about my experience in the 94, 312, and 519 cryptocurrency markets. She listened to my fate very attentively, and then she said she admired me very much. Then she added a few hours and chatted all night.

The girl said that the economy has been down recently, the club business is very bad, life is difficult and the rent is almost unpayable. My father is an alcoholic and my mother is paralyzed. If this continues, I will have no work to do when I am old. I will never get ahead at the bottom. I want to change my fate and learn something from me.

I thought about it and asked her to learn from the basic K-line and often visit forums. I recommended her some books such as "Snowball", "Poor Charlie's Almanack", "kkr", "The Rose of Time", "Value", "Japanese Candlestick Chart Technology", etc.

After emphasizing the legendary story of Ryoko in the circle, she had a continuous good impression of me. She became more and more energetic as she talked, and asked many questions that new leeks wanted to ask. I have always been very patient in answering her.

Now it is difficult to do business in all walks of life, the consumption power of the masses is getting smaller and smaller, the market is not good, some female KOLs want to go into the sea, but they don’t know that consumers have no money to spend

#币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息? #MegadropLista $BTC