The Naked Truth I Hate To Tell You

1️⃣ BTC

Slowly but surely, it will hover around $50 - $55 💯 which sounds as sad and sad as it can be. My suggestion is that those who want to invest or trade relax and use the limit to buy your tokens, it is wise because the market is not clear which direction it will take. Well, it doesn't look like it's going up any time soon 🔜.

2️⃣ BNB

With BNB, expect 💯 a drop to $500 and if we don't it could even drop below $500. Use the Limit Strategy to buy this token, it's a wise way to avoid losses.

3️⃣ ETH

ETH will go below $3000 and I believe it will drop to $2500 - $2800.