According to market news, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Chevron Deference. Chevron Deference is an administrative law in the United States that gives federal agencies the power to rule when a law is ambiguous. As it was overturned, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and federal agencies may no longer have the ability to make rules. This means that the real crypto bull market may get rid of its shackles and set sail! Hurry up and lay out your favorite targets!

The Lista I designed is a decentralized blockchain project designed to solve many pain points in existing e-commerce platforms. Its economic model, potential and risks are worth exploring in depth.

First of all, from the perspective of the economic model, Lista incentivizes users to participate in and maintain the platform by issuing its native token LISTA. LISTA tokens are used to pay transaction fees, reward users for their contributions, and for platform governance. Users can obtain LISTA tokens in a variety of ways, including but not limited to shopping rebates, evaluating products, recommending new users, etc.

In terms of potential, Lista has several significant advantages. First of all, it ensures the transparency and security of transactions through blockchain technology, avoiding the trust issues that exist in traditional e-commerce platforms. Secondly, the decentralized architecture allows users’ data privacy to be better protected, and users no longer need to worry about data being misused. In addition, Lista's incentive mechanism can attract more users to participate in platform activities, increasing user stickiness and platform activity. Furthermore, Lista can use blockchain technology to realize global payments, reducing the cost and difficulty of cross-border transactions, which is conducive to expanding the international market.

Holding LISTA tokens will provide you with a variety of benefits:

Jurisdiction: LISTA token holders can participate in protocol governance and have the right to vote and make decisions.

Protocol Incentives: Users can earn LISTA token rewards when borrowing lisUSD as collateral or providing liquidity in the lisUSD and slisBNB liquidity pools.

Voting Power: Users can lock LISTA tokens into veLISTA, participate in voting to choose the collateral used to mint lisUSD, and prioritize liquidity pools that support higher rewards.

Cost sharing: Users who lock in LISTA can also enjoy cost sharing benefits, further increasing revenue potential.

#Lista启航新纪元 @ListaDAO $LISTA