Add more positions when fear strikes, sell when you are proud

Everything is going smoothly

Don't come, you don't dare to do it

Fetch.ai posted a message on the X platform, announcing that FET tokens held or staked on its mainnet will be automatically converted to native ASI tokens. Fetch.ai emphasized that the conversion will be automatic after the upgrade is completed, and users do not need to panic or rush to make a decision. There will be planned downtime for the network during the upgrade, but users' local staked funds and rewards will remain safe; for users who hold FET on exchanges that do not support this merger, funds are also safe.

The project is progressing smoothly. I don't know if you are placing orders smoothly, and whether you are struggling in your heart.

Remember: add more positions when fear strikes, and sell when you are proud

Dare to think and dare to do, I hope you can be firm in your heart


#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划