👉Simple way to earn big profits by investing a small amount

👉Many people can reach huge figures by investing a small amount.

(Copy Trading)

Copy trading was created to make the trading process accessible and profitable for both beginner and experienced traders. It allows you to benefit from the expertise of professional traders and copy their trades by depositing the amount of money you deem necessary.

It is a method of trading in financial markets that allows automatic copying of other traders' trades. Another name for copy trading is copy trading signals. The usage mechanism is quite simple and easy to understand.

The trader decides how much to invest and all trades of the selected trader are automatically copied in real time. Any positions opened by the trader will also be displayed in your account.

There are two types of copy trading: automatic and manual

Automatic. This method is common among novice traders. It is only necessary to choose a platform, register, pay the tariff and choose one or several offered traders. Copying of transactions will be done automatically and displayed in your personal account. Automatic copy trading is convenient as it saves time and is also a source of passive income. Some beginners choose to learn the trade from professionals in practice.

Manual. The trader selects a trader whose strategy he will copy and manually places the selected orders in his exchange account. This is a good option for those who already have basic trading skills procedures and knowledge of cryptocurrencies. Taking a tip from a professional trader, the investor trades on his own. The manual method is useful because it helps the trader evaluate the strategy before copying it.

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