Binance Bahrain will implement the Global Travel Rule, prohibiting the transfer of cryptocurrencies to certain jurisdictions

Coin Point News reported that in order to comply with the requirements set out in the Global Travel Rule and the related solutions provided by GTR (hereinafter referred to as "GTR"), Binance Bahrain Inc. ("Binance Bahrain B.S.C. (c)" or "the Company") will implement the following measures to ensure compliance with the Central Bank of Bahrain's regulations on the Global Travel Rule. The effective date of the travel rule is June 30, 2024.

If the necessary Global Travel Rule information is not provided, the user's access to the corresponding received/sent cryptocurrency may be restricted or denied. It is prohibited to transfer cryptocurrencies to certain jurisdictions, such as Iran, North Korea or other regions with higher money laundering risks. Cryptocurrency withdrawals or deposits that violate Binance's Terms of Use and other conditions may be subject to restrictions on user accounts or other measures.