I have known KAS for a long time, since the times when it was mined on a CPU. Now I am actively trading kas on spot, unfortunately not on Binance (I believe in a quick listing).

KASPA has huge potential, I won’t go into details, but I’ll just give one fact: the speed of the KAS network = 10 blocks per second, for BTC it is 1 block every 7-8 minutes.

The trading bot I use is my way out of operational actions and emotional experiences! The bot itself buys KASPA, then places a limit order to sell at a premium. Monitors execution and then repeats the buying and selling cycle again. When it falls, it also automatically makes purchases and sales. Taking into account the growth potential of KAS, I am sure that profit is inevitable.

The beauty of the bot is that it exactly repeats my strategy, without requiring constant control from me. Real passive income, isn't it? If you noticed, the bot does not try to find entry points or guess the price. Today the bot's profitability is about 10% per month.

I am ready to provide access to anyone who wishes for a symbolic payment of 50usdt/month. In addition to the bot, you will receive for free all my life knowledge and experience that I have today!

Join me on telegram - /athkeeper! Let's create a friendly community together that aims to live freely while the money works for us!

be FOMOless...

ps: athkeeper.com bot address