The total annual turnover (last 12 months) of the 3 most valuable companies in the USA, #Apple #Nvidia and #Microsoft , is 381 Billion $, 79 Billion $ and 236 Billion $ respectively.

In other words, a total of 696 Billion $ and these rates continue to increase continuously.

💎 161,000, 29,600 and 221,000 people work in these companies, in the same order.

☘3 giant companies employ 411,600 people in total..

💎The total size of the Turkish economy (2022 GNP) is around 900 Billion $ . And this figure tends to shrink on a $ basis.

☘Turkey's total population is over 85,000,000 people. Approximately 32,000,000 of these are working.

💎If we compare, Apple, Nvidia and Microsoft produce 1.690.962$ turnover per person they employ.

☘Turkey can produce 28.125$ GNP per working person.

What do you think TĂŒrkiye is doing wrong?