Suppose you make a profit of 100 million yuan in the cryptocurrency circle. If you sell a large amount of digital currency every day and continue to make money, when the amount of funds reaches more than 5 million, the bank is likely to contact you and visit you in person. They may recommend you to buy financial products, trusts, insurance, etc., or even invite you to join the VIP gold card and enjoy a series of exclusive services. If you frequently make large transactions, it is very likely to arouse the bank's vigilance, resulting in your account being frozen. This freezing situation may last for up to half a year.

If the digital currency you sell involves illegal funds, the bank will take more severe measures. In serious cases, your account may be frozen for up to 6 months, or even your funds may be confiscated. For a small amount of illegal funds inflow, you may need to pay a certain percentage of the fine before the relevant restrictions can be lifted. However, for a huge amount of illegal funds, you may be sentenced and will not be able to use bank cards, online banking, or take out loans and other financial services for the next five years.

When trading, be sure to be careful not to sell digital currency for cheap or high prices, as this may be illegal. If you receive illegal funds, you may also be charged with concealing the proceeds of crime, and the sentence is usually more severe.

It is strongly recommended that you do not trade through digital currency trading platforms, do not cooperate with unfamiliar traders, and avoid offline cash transactions. This is because such operations may not only involve illegal funds, but also pose huge risks to personal safety.

If you plan to withdraw cash, it is recommended to trade with someone you know well to ensure that the source of funds for the transaction is completely legal. After the transaction is completed, be careful not to keep the funds in the bank card for too long, and do not make large transactions frequently to avoid arousing the bank's suspicion. You can choose to withdraw cash in batches through channels such as Alipay, and do not rush. For large transactions, it is best to choose to handle it at the counter to reduce the risk of your account being frozen.

In general, if your background is clean and all transactions are legal and compliant, banks usually will not ask too much about the source of funds. However, if you have a bad record, the bank may conduct a detailed review of your transactions.

For example, there have been cases where some people who made huge profits in the cryptocurrency circle but had problems in the transaction process encountered strict bank scrutiny and account freezing, which brought them great trouble and financial losses. Therefore, it is crucial for investors in the cryptocurrency circle to maintain legal and compliant transactions.

As an investor who has been in the cryptocurrency world for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency world but don’t know where to start, you might as well follow me.