The essence of "The Story of Futures Masters"

• The purpose of our coming to this world is to practice, to repair our innate deficiencies, to repair our inner greed, anger and ignorance, to obtain the ultimate liberation and reach the other side of Prajna. And futures are just one of the best ferries for us to reach the other side.

• Traders are very free, they can live and work anywhere in the world, they can turn a deaf ear to daily things, and they can not rush anyone. But this game is not fun, it is destined to be a game that most people will fail.

• Inaction is not really doing nothing, but a calm mind, not subjectively speculating on what will happen in the future, and quietly doing what you are doing now. If the outside does not move, my heart will not move, if the outside moves, my heart will move along, use stillness to control movement, and follow the trend.

• Life must learn to do subtraction. Slow is fast, retreat is advance.

• Futures are a Pandora's box, it will make you despair when you are full of hope, and it will make you see hope when you are desperate.

• Experienced futures traders never inquire about news, because the news has been reflected in the K-line.

•The market is born in despair, develops in hesitation, and ends in madness.

•The futures market is like this, bullish when it rises, bearish when it falls, there is no timely help here, only icing on the cake.

•Most of the futures market is not worth participating in. When you feel that you are at a loss between long and short positions, the best strategy is not to do it! Being dumbfounded is the highest state of futures.

•Life is like the east of the river for thirty years and the west of the river for thirty years. And futures are like the east of the river today and may be the west of the river tomorrow.

•The futures market is like this: there are many stars, but very few birthday stars; there are many meteors, but basically no stars. The leverage of futures not only magnifies the multiples of funds, but also magnifies the greed, hope and fear of human nature, while shortening the life of investors in the market.

•Most retail investors in the futures market are always like this, bullish for a while and bearish for a while. For them, they don’t want to miss any movement in the market and want to catch every rise and fall in the market. But the result is often counterproductive, picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

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