There is a data indicator called STH-PSIL, which is the percentage of short-term holders losing money. As of the 24th, STH-PSIL has reached 86.9%. This means that about 86% of holders of Bitcoin (BTC) purchased in the past 155 days are in a state of loss. Considering the situation of BTC, altcoins undoubtedly face similar challenges.

I understand that many investors may not choose to buy BTC, but have a large position in altcoins. In the current market environment, this is undoubtedly a test, and I can fully understand this anxiety and uneasiness. However, I do not think that there are no opportunities for altcoins in this round, but there may not be a "full outbreak" like in the past, but it is more likely that there will be "structural" altcoin opportunities, provided that there is an outflow of funds.

The altcoins that eventually get the bull market dividend must have active community support, a broad consensus base, and convincing products or narrative capabilities and sufficient innovation space. The layout is ongoing, check the homepage introduction to find me! Welcome everyone to participate actively and witness the moment of miracles together

Therefore, without the outflow of funds, the prosperity season of altcoins is difficult to come.

#BTC☀ #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划