According to Techub News, according to Sosovalue data, the Hong Kong Bitcoin spot ETF had a net subscription volume of about 48 coins yesterday (June 26), while the Ethereum spot ETF had a net subscription and net redemption volume of 0.


At present, the total amount of Bitcoin ETF assets held in Hong Kong is about 3,341, with a total net asset of about US$209 million. In terms of asset size, China Asset Management ETF holds about 1,550 Bitcoins, ranking first, while Bose Hashkey and Harvest hold about 1,120 and 732 Bitcoins respectively.


At present, the total amount of assets held by Hong Kong Ethereum ETF is about 12,400, and the total net assets are about 41.8 million US dollars. In terms of asset size, Bosera Hashkey holds about 6,090 Ethereums, ranking first, while Huaxia and Harvest hold about 4,440 and 1,910 Ethereums respectively.


(Note: Hong Kong crypto ETFs support spot subscription and redemption mechanisms. Net subscription refers to the difference between the subscription amount and the redemption amount within a certain period of time is positive, that is, more purchases than sales, and vice versa for net redemption.)


SoSoValue stated that the Hong Kong BTC (or ETH) ETF supports cash subscription (in-cash) and spot subscription (in-kind). At the same time, since the ETF shares subscribed through spot Bitcoin do not generate cash inflows for Bitcoin as an asset, they cannot be simply included in statistical calibers such as daily net inflows.


Based on this, SoSoValue tried methods including tracking the Bitcoin circulation path on the chain, but failed to successfully distinguish the ratio and amount of daily cash subscription and spot subscription.


Therefore, the SoSoValue Hong Kong BTC (or ETH) ETF dashboard uses the ETF's premium or discount rate relative to Bitcoin, the number of daily BTC (or ETH) inflows, the total number of ETF shares issued, and the total storage volume of BTC (or ETH) in the ETF as core tracking indicators.