After making a fortune in the cryptocurrency circle, will withdrawing money to the bank trigger an in-depth investigation of the source of funds?

Imagine that your digital currency trading profit is as high as 100 million. If you continue to earn huge amounts of money by selling digital currencies every day, but do not withdraw cash immediately, once the amount exceeds 5 million, the bank is likely to contact you proactively, not only recommending financial management, trust and insurance products, but also inviting you to become a VIP gold card customer. But please note that too frequent large-scale transactions are likely to trigger the bank's risk control system, causing your account to be temporarily frozen, and such a wait may last up to half a year.

More importantly, if the digital currency you sold involves illegal funds, the bank's attitude will become extremely severe. In addition to account freezing, you may even face the serious consequence of having your funds confiscated. Even if it is a small amount of illegal funds, you may need to pay a high fine to lift the restrictions. Once it involves large amounts of illegal funds, you are more likely to face legal sanctions. Not only will the funds be confiscated, but you may also be restricted from using bank cards, online banking and loan services in the next five years.

In addition, please try to avoid trading through unfamiliar digital currency trading platforms or dealers, and you should not conduct offline cash transactions. These transaction methods may not only involve illegal funds, but also pose great personal safety risks.

If you plan to withdraw cash, it is recommended to choose a trustworthy trading partner to ensure the legitimacy of the source of funds. At the same time, please be careful not to let the funds stay in the bank card for a long time, let alone frequently make large transactions, so as not to arouse the bank's vigilance. You can withdraw cash in batches through channels such as Alipay to reduce risks. For large transactions, it is recommended to go to the bank counter in person to ensure the safety of the transaction.

In general, as long as your transaction is legal and there is no bad record, the bank usually does not ask too many questions about the source of funds. But please always keep in mind that legality and compliance are the primary principles of digital currency transactions.

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